Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What's in a Name?

I thought long and hard before I named this blog.  I wanted something that would even come CLOSE to revealing my heart.  You see, really, this blog does have a purpose.

I've been praying long and hard about how to go about writing about my family.  For those of you that don't actually KNOW me, my husband and I are expecting our 10th child in August of 2012.  This makes our life different.  Just that one number....10...brings up pre-conceived ideas in the minds of those who know us.  Or, just hear about us.  Not necessarily BAD ideas....or GOOD ideas.  But ideas none-the-less.

In our culture where more than 2.5 children or children with disabilities are seen as...well...a burden.  Not by all, but certainly by many I want you to know how valuable these kids are.

But I don't want to be a Polyanna.  And I don't want to make my life out like the Old Lady in the Shoe.  Somehow, I want to share how hard it is...and how great. I want to encourage younger wives and moms but I don't want to paint an impossible picture in the same breathe.  Do you see?  Is it even possible to find the right words.  Words in black on a screen?  I'm going to try.

I am in the trenches.  But let me tell you what a beautiful view it is.  Not JUST the trench of motherhood...fighting to raise God honoring people of character. Not JUST the trench of salvation....fighting to die to myself and have a heart and eyes that reflect Jesus.  Not JUST the trench of marriage...fighting to honor my husband.  I am in the trenchES...all of the above.  But let me tell you girl, I might be getting my hands dirty, some days I may even get knocked on my back side,  but I'm decorating the place.  These trenches are home and there's nothing out there more worth fighting for.  My goal is to fight the noble fight.  Thanks for joining me.


  1. I live in similar trenches and one of my favorite sayings is, "I love my crazy life!"

  2. Are you really old enough to have 10 children??? = ) Just teasing!!

    1. Martha! Good to see you, and no way am I old enough to have 10 kids....but that's what I get for starting early!
