Saturday, July 7, 2012

FaceBook Friday

So, someone I follow on another blog did a poll asking EXACTLY what I had been thinking.  Would my readers be interested in reading my Facebook posts?  I mean, I realize I post the BIG stuff here but I post all the little day-to-day stuff on my FaceBook.  So, the question was, basically, would the "little" things be interesting to readers and the answer was a resounding YES!  For those of you who are also FB friends, sorry.  For the rest of you....enjoy!  I will post my statuses from last Friday to this one.

*Libby's first time in a bathing suit! And no, she does not have a black's a mosquito bite. Ugghh!

*AND....a sneak peek at the quilt. Just have to bind it and then it will be available for SALE!!!!

*Why am I so lazy today?!? Ughhh.

*I don't know how it is possible to hurt this badly and still be alive. I think I over-did it.....just a little.

*Slept all night and then for 7 out of 11 hours today. I NEED whatever I'm sick with to LEAVE!! I don't have time for this.

*So here's the plan....Everyone woke up feeling yucky today so.....chores, lay in Mom's bed drinking tea and watching TV, nap, repeat. Sounds like a winner to me!

*I'm all for holistic medicine. I would rather go natural than anything else. That said, today I FINALLY went to the clinic because I was DESPERATE for some drugs and which doctor do I get? The more holistic one of course! WHY ME?!?!?!

*Don:  You sure are pretty when you're devious.
Me: Thank you!


*James Michael fell off his bed last night and hit his face on his ladder on the way down causing a huge bloody nose. My bathroom looks like a murder scene. Not to mention the blood on both our clothes.

*Re-read my own blog post and made myself cry.....How pathetic is that? LOL

*My throat hurts so badly I have to psych myself up to swallow! Ughhh.

*James Michael made strawberry/rhubarb crisp tonight. He harvested the rhubarb, Israel washed it, James cut it and the strawberries up and then I mixed it all and popped it in the oven.

*I'm starting to feel the tiniest bit better. I only took 1 nap today!!!! I hope tomorrow I can be back to full speed. Joslyn says she's been praying for me at every meal and bedtime. Little Sweetie!

*I'm hearing voices...Don't worry, I'm not delusional. It's those two little stinkers still talking WAY PAST THEIR BEDTIME!!! Guess I'd still be talking too if I were bunking with my best friend. Oh wait, I am, but we LIKE sleep.

*I will be MIA today. I feel 90% better! I'm going to go clean for a few hours and then work on getting that quilt bound. See you tonight!

*Me: James Michael, is that hallway cleaned yet.
James: Not yet.
Me: Why not?
James: 'Cause I work slow.
Me: Why do you work slow?
James: 'Cause I'm just a little guy.

*One bathroom and one hallway completely cleaned and disinfected. Only 4,900sq ft to go..........

*After adding 1 part "I feel better" with 2 parts "Suck it up, this has gone on long enough" I would just like to say, "Hello" to the real me. I missed you.

*Tonight's dinner....Chili in a mason jar with corn bread baked on top. Pictures? Of course!!! Mattie and Joslyn are my helpers tonight. Joslyn's currently brushing her hair. No way am I posting pics of her with her hair like it was!!

And that's it for this week.  Night all!

1 comment:

  1. I told you, you need to write a book of all the things the "littles" and "bigs" say. They are hilarious! your such an awesome mom!!! :)
