Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Squishy Baby-ness!

I would like to apologize to my wonderful readers for the obvious lack of posts the past few weeks.  I'm afraid my midnight ramblings have been replaced by midnight feedings and, boy howdy, typing with one hand sure is slow!

Samara Truth was born on Saturday, August 11.  She weighed a mere 9 pounds 3 ounces and has lots of dark hair.  Not the kind that falls out either!  Want to see a picture?

We have wanted to name a baby Sam, after my grandfather, for quite sometime but Husband isn't a fan of gender neutral names so "just plain Sam" wasn't gonna make it on his list for a girl.  I have spent years searching for a girl's name that included Sam and wasn't Samantha.  I heard Samara on a forum I belong to and, while I wasn't crazy about it at first, once I looked up the  meaning I was sold.  I guess you probably want to know what it means?  Samara is Hebrew for Guardian so her name is translated as "Guardian of Truth".  What was that?  Another picture?  Certainly!  Here's one in the cloth diaper I made for her.
Things are a little bit different when you have your 10th child and there's still lots of little guys in the house.  For instance...How many of you lock YOUR baby in your room while she sleeps?  I use the term "lock" loosely meaning that the door is shut securely and I make sure the latch has engaged.  Why?  Because Miss Liberty is smitten with her new little baby and is more than delighted to "hold" her for me whether I am in the room or not.  It's for Samara's safety!  I promise!  I daresay I would find Samara on the floor and Liberty in Samara's bed if I were to leave the two alone!  Look, I have proof!  (No, Samara wasn't on the floor, she was laying on my bed.)

As a true Alaskan, Sam has already been on her first camping trip!  Here she is all bundled up to go out by the fire.  She's VERY excited....she's yawning.  LOL  I should mention that by "camping" I mean we packed up the motorhome and went off grid.  No more tents for this mama!  (Though I still make the Bigs sleep in them.)

And, here's a picture from just a bit ago.  Do I sound like a proud mommy?  I am!  I can promise you, a girl isn't any less in love with the 10th one than she was with the 1st.  (Only now, I have mad skill.  Then, I was playing by ear!)

I suppose I should stop bragging now and hit the sack!  Sam could care less if I stayed up too late blogging and will most likely not accept my excuses when I try to explain to her that Mommy needs sleep.  Goodnight all.  I hope to be back to my regular blogging soon but you'll probably just get more pictures of this gorgeous baby! LOL


  1. So enjoyed your blog this morning! (I found you through a forum where I go by banjolovinmama) We are also expecting #10..congratulations on the safe arrival of your baby girl! What a lovely family you have there!


    1. Congratulations on your newest little one to be! And welcome to my blog. I went and found you on that forum. ;)

  2. I didn't realize she was named after Uncle Sam -- that's so sweet and such a good person to be named after!

    I like your comment about loving the 10th as much as the 1st. I have only 7, but I know how true that is. The joy and love doesn't diminish.

    1. Grandpa is one of the greatest men ever....and he just keeps getting better!
